INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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We're incubating our first eggs right now. Currently on day 4. We purchased Lavender Orpington and Russian Orloff hatching eggs from a local breeder. We also have four Black Copper Marans which she included at no charge since the rooster was injured and separated the week before there's no guarantee they're fertile. We also got half a dozen mixed Barred Rock, Easter Egger, Australorp from my father in law, Two dozen total in the incubator.
WELCOME @sdubski Orloffs are such a great breed!!! so sweet!! GOOD LUCK!! Have you found the MAY Hatchalong?

w/ fantastic Prizes donated by…


Oh, and I made the cheese myself from raw milk from local Jersey cows - it's that wheel of Monterey Jack I made back at the end of January. The only think not local is the whole wheat flour (though, now that I think about it, Richardsons Farm sells whole wheat flour...)

- Ant Farm
you stinker!!! that looks delish!

Quote: X2 whites!!! cc how are the fires did they control them at all?
WELCOME @sdubski
  Orloffs are such a great breed!!!  so sweet!!  GOOD LUCK!!  Have you found the MAY Hatchalong?

WELCOME!!! @rbordeaux21


NO silkies anymore   yer nuts for reading that thread just sayin you should be researching instead

light green!!  must see a better pic!  CONGRATS  what type OE? 

:frow WELCOME @Nannie B

We would LOVE to see your bator!!    @Nannie B
  what type thermostat and where is it in the bator, images help us help you!!

you stinker!!! that looks delish!

X2  whites!!!  cc how are the fires did they control them at all? 

Aww. :(

That IS my research!!! You were asking the EXACT questions I have, and it is a fun read to boot! :D
When I was dating my wife I'm pretty sure I fell asleep on the phone a time or 6
I don't think you're a boring person.
she shoulda RUN LIKE bejimmenies!!

Nah! I like the floor. Lots of fun little pieces of chocolate! especially in the spring!

Good Morning Everyone!

Quote: I'm expert at hiding my emotions

After the last 2 weeks of disappointing hatches, I have big hopes for this weekend. I just put 296 eggs into lockdown, including 4 silkied ameraucanas. These are the first eggs that have been fertile and I really want these to hatch

She is so my girl!

New duck coop:

As you can see, the roof is sorta leaky and the floor is rotting, but nothing that can't be fixed! The frame is very sturdy, and it should work great.

Candled last night,end of day four, definite embryos in over half! The rest are too dark shelled to see anything yet (four are marans). So excited, this is my first try at incubating and I was very anxious. Feel so much better now that I can see them

What's that supposed to mean?


Hey Mike.... Still have that info on the Icelandics you have me.... I'm busting butt cannot get caught up to get that coop built..... Every one and his brother All of a sudden decided I'm they're personal mechanic and it's driving me nuts.... I'm freaking putting a stop to this... I'm screaming in pain and these people want free work

Free!!!! I need..... Just kidding but charge them. I've a friend that helps me. I ask up front what the charge is and I usually double it. Still way under what I'd be charged at a shop
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