Hello Everyone From North Carolina!


In the Brooder
May 25, 2015
Willow Springs, NC
Hello Everyone!

I joined BYC in May. A month later after a lot of research and reading I brought home my first chicks. I got 2 buff Orpington pullets and 2 Silkies from local farms. I have since rehomed one of my silkies as he turned out to be a Roo. I recently got 2 Polish Chicks. My silkie Roo was a beauty but we are happy to say he has a great home with lots of hens.

I knew nothing about chickens. I never owned chickens, didn't know anyone who did, and only saw them at the fair a few times. But I wanted to own some after all I love animals. I am 24 years old and my husband and I purchased our first home in April this year. We have 1/2 acre of land with a large backyard all fenced. So it was time! I have all this land and wanted to use it.

I researched everyday and decide to build our coop and run. We never built anything but the pictures on byc made things seem easy. They were not. We struggled and made 100 trips to home depot but we did it and I think the coop and run came out great. We purchased a duck house and converted into a chicken coop with 2 nesting boxes. We than put it on legs, and built a run. Once the coop and run was complete I added a tire with sand for a dust bath, and a swing. I would like to add to the run more and put roosting bars. The chickens don't use the run to much as they free range most days in my yard. They have been confined to the run for a week when they decided to not go into their coop at night and tried to sleep on my back porch steps.

As chicks they hated me. They saw me and was like "run it's that weird lady again!" Now my older girls love me, my Polish chicks not so much yet. My Buffs are extremely friendly and eat out my hand. Every time I go outside they come running. I also own 3 dogs, 2 Shetland Sheep dogs, and a toy Australian Shepard (Aussie). They all get along great. The chickens love my aussie and will follow him around the yard when I'm not around. I find cleaning and caring for chickens is very simple and even easier than I imagined. I just love my girls. They inspire me to get quail which lay at a very young age. I still haven't got any eggs from my chickens yet but I look forward to it. I can see my Buffs comb changing color, to dark red so I know they will be here soon.

My tip: Use Sand. I use Sand and it take less than 3 minutes to clean the coop. I just scoop everything out like it's kitty litter and save the poop for compost.
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Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. X2 on your tip; sand works great (particularly coarse river or builders sand as opposed to fine beach sand). If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center at https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center. There is lots of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
Thank you!

The learning center has been my life line @Michael OShay . Once I decided to start my own backyard flock BYC is where I learned almost everything I now know. BYC has helped me raise my chicks, set up my brooder, build my run and coop, how to feed my chicks/chickens, help me with gender, you name BYC has it!

This was the duck house (left pic) we bought and converted it into a chicken coop and added a run. All thanks to coops and ideas from BYC.

(Old photo: we have now moved waterier and feeder under coop) (Updated photo)

Jack my Aussie with the girls.
How much does a mini Aussie weigh? I really liked Aussie sheepdogs but found out full size ones can be 45 - 80 lbs. Way too much dog for a fragile, old fogey like me.
@drumstick diva Jack is considered a large toy, or small mini (because he is tall). You can find Aussie's even smaller than him. He weighs 18lbs and is smaller than my shelties who weigh 25lbs.The first photo is Jack with my chickens and a dog I sit also a sheltie. Jack is a handful and I am so glad I got chickens. He now has a job and has settled down some. He is 1.5 years old and has a lot of puppy left in him.


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