Firing up the wood stove tonight. How cold is it where you're at?


Sep 25, 2015
Void where prohibited.
It's supposed to get down to 42° tonight. 38° tomorrow night.
This is AZ dagnabbit, I'm prepared for this, just not ready mentally for it.
I've got two cords of mesquite stacked and ready to go. I can stand the cold much better than the wife, up to a point.
The wife has the tomatoes wrapped with sheets in case of frost. I want those babies!

I'm happiest around 70°.

If anyone is curious how to get the degree symbol, press alt, hold it, and type 248.

What are you predicted for the night, and what are you going to do about it?
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It's going to be a low of 59 degrees here in upstate SC this evening. Which is lovely for having a drink on the deck or roasting smores over the campfire, but doesn't cool off my bedroom sufficiently. I'm most comfortable sleeping in a room between 65-68, and it seems that the magic outside temperature to naturally cool our bedroom off to that range is about 45.

Look on the bright side! Nothing cozier and more romantic than fire in that wood stove! Grab a hot chocolate, hot toddy, or some mulled wine and snuggle up for the cold weather!
It's going to be a low of 59 degrees here in upstate SC this evening. Which is lovely for having a drink on the deck or roasting smores over the campfire, but doesn't cool off my bedroom sufficiently. I'm most comfortable sleeping in a room between 65-68, and it seems that the magic outside temperature to naturally cool our bedroom off to that range is about 45.

Look on the bright side! Nothing cozier and more romantic than fire in that wood stove! Grab a hot chocolate, hot toddy, or some mulled wine and snuggle up for the cold weather!
The prescribed cocktail for me always involves tonic, limes, and some of that stuff from Russia, or something similar. The wife likes the stuff that's made in Mehico.
@BBQJOE nothing says you can't enjoy your favorites just because its cold outside! This is where coozies come in extra handy! Keep your hands warm while you enjoy your favorite cool beverage!

It was somewhere around 56° when I woke up this morning. Decided not to build a fire last night, but have one going this morning. It's cold and drizzling.
The chickens might need their parkas.

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