Is this a rooster?


In the Brooder
Nov 4, 2015
Cincinnati, OH
Hi all, hoping you can help me out! About a month ago, I got a few pullets from a local farm. I'm a newbie and this is my first flock. I was told this was an Araucana or Americauna hen which I figured it was just an Easter egger since I'd read most birds labeled Americaunas are really EEs. I was poking around websites because I was curious of the cross and now I'm afraid I actually have a dark Brahma rooster!
We're in the city and I'm not allowed to have a roo, so if this is the case I'll be heartbroken.
I don't know exactly how old my birds are, just that they were born earlier this year. I do know this one has gotten a lot bigger in the last month and is very, very large in comparison to my Leghorn and Australorp.
Is there *any* chance this is really a hen?
Thanks in advance for any help!

I'm on my phone so can't see the photo that well but it looks to have long skinny pointy feathers both on it's neck and on it's back just before where the tail starts? If that is the case then yes it looks like a boy. Are you able to take a closer photo of those two areas? Mor take a look at it's feathers there and then at your other birds and if they are different then there is your answer.
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Darn. That's what I was afraid of. :( I'll call them tomorrow and see what I can do.
My 5 year old son told me he heard one of them crowing yesterday and I was skeptical- well, I guess we know who it was!
Thanks again!
The good news is I may be able to keep him! My mom and I did some heavy research today and found that technically, there are no rules regarding keeping chickens in my township. I thought I couldn't have one but that is inside the city, which we technically aren't. There are rules about chickens disturbing people (noise or mess) but no specifications saying no roosters or anything like that. So as long as he doesn't get super loud or aggressive and nobody complains, he can stay! I'm really happy because he's gorgeous and I've gotten pretty attached. :)
That's wonderful news!

Brahmas are supposed to be a pretty good rooster. Being a giant breed, they're slow to mature, and usually "gentle giants". Not as likely to get aggressive as some more production oriented breeds. So, if you had to get an Oops, he's not a bad way to go!

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