pecked/gasping silkie chick


In the Brooder
Sep 5, 2015
Hi. I came home tonight to find one of my silkie chicks severely pecked on the back of its head and neck. It is pecked raw and was bleeding. I took it inside and after about half an hour it started gasping. . Looking like it's crowing but obviously with no sound. I attempted to dip it's break in a honey water/garlic water solution and when I turned the chick beak down some fluid came out. I inverted it a few more times until the fluid stopped. The chick is still gasping. Any thoughts? Seems it can't be coincidence that it was pecked bloody and now is struggling. I use Pine shaving for bedding
The chick died in my hands this morning after struggling all night. I spent the night with it on my chest because it would panic each time I'd try to put it in a box with a heat lamp. Quite a bit of clear fluid was coming out of its beak towards the end. It's been unseasonably warm ... Think it got pneumonia?
The trauma by the severe pecking is likely the cause of death, possibly internal in the neck area. Was it with other chicks the same age that did this? If they peck any others, keep the injured one separate until it's healed.

Even though your chick didn't make it, it died being comforted and cared by someone.
I've got the other 4 chicks separated out right now. I believe the culprit is a Cornish pullet. She just started to lay this week and at the same time seemed to have turned ugly on her coop mates. .. chicks and other hens.

I just feel bad I didn't get her out in time ..
Good, keep them separated until they have grown more. Is there a broody mom that hatched them as the reason they were with all the others?

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