Why won't my ducks go down to my stream?


In the Brooder
May 23, 2015
I live by a stream, and I have two pekin ducks. They are around 3 months old and haven't figured out how to get to the stream at the bottom of our garden. It isn't very far... When I take them down there they LOVE it and do not want to come out, and I want them to find the stream so they can go in whenever they want. Sometimes I take them down and leave them there. From that they know how to get back up the garden to their coop. I wonder if their is a way I can train them?
They may perceive that being there without you is not as safe as being there with you. My Runners sometimes see things going on that I miss.
They are very sociable. :) When I am not there with them they quack a lot!!! Is there any way of them realising that it is safe without me?
I can only say that when my flock is in their pen, for the most part they are content. They will fuss if they are low on food, or if there is a predator nearby. Sometimes they see things I don't. Water bodies like streams can attract predators. My ducks seem to know when the coast is clear, and when it's not.

Nice that they like your company so much!
My Rouen ducks would not go near our 15 acre lake until last week. Now they won't get out. Until now they were easy to put in their pen every night and sometimes were there waiting for me. They have now been on lake with our one Toulouse Gander for 5 days and nights. There are also over 30 wild Canada Geese on other side of lake. I've tried coaxing them in with food and herding but I just get stuck in the mud. I'm getting desperate because the last two nights, two have disappeared each night. :-(. I now have only 4 ducks and 2 drakes plus the gander. . A friend of mine's son who just got home from Marines is coming to help me today. Any suggestions? If I do get them I'll be scared to let them out again to free range during day like I did before!

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