New here! Breed questions


6 Years
Nov 8, 2015
Can yall help me figure out what breeds these are? I think I've got 3 australorps, 2 barred rocks and I'm not positive about the others. I ordered "assorted brown layers".


Looks like you also have some Rhode Island Reds (or some derivation there of) and possibly Buff Orpingtons (just a guess on the yellow chicks since I can't see any feathers).
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Here's some better pictures of their feathers. They're 2 weeks 1 day old. What do you mean by a derivation? A mixed breed? I ordered them from a hatchery so I figured they would be a specific breed. Not that it matters, I'm just curious. Is that still too early to tell though?

The blond chicks are most likely Buff Orpingtons.

When I said derivative, I meant breeds that were developed from Rhode Island Reds such as Production Reds or New Hampshires. They could also be red sex links which are typically RIR crosses.
Also, out of 14 chicks, all have fully feathered, long wings and tail feathers, except 2. At 2 weeks old, is this a sign that they're roosters? The 2 have short little wings and no tail feathers at all. They're still little fuzz butts like when they were a day old. They're the same size as the others, just not getting any feathers.

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