Cross bill duckling?


8 Years
Apr 23, 2012
Alberta Canada
Has anyone had a cross beak duckling before? He was born October 20 and had no signs of a cross beak but just in the last week it's been growing more and more crossed. I've never seen this in the 5 years I've had my ducks. I've been googling and searching on here for any similar story's but haven't found anything.
and this is Trigger.

sorry about the pics... don't know why they went sideways and upside down...

I just hatched my first ducklings, Welsh Harlequins, and out of the 6, one female was born with a crossed bill. She is now 3 days old and eating and drinking fine with her brothers and sisters. According to Storey's Guide, crossed bills happen when the bill is injured during the hatch and isn't a hereditary or genetic problem. How is your little one doing?
I just hatched my first ducklings, Welsh Harlequins, and out of the 6, one female was born with a crossed bill. She is now 3 days old and eating and drinking fine with her brothers and sisters. According to Storey's Guide, crossed bills happen when the bill is injured during the hatch and isn't a hereditary or genetic problem. How is your little one doing?

I just seen your post now. Trigger is doing great! I haven't hatched any of her eggs tho for fear I'd end up with a bunch of cross billed ducklings. Lol but it's good to know it might not be hereditary!

Here she is last spring.

And here she is this winter. (Injoying some swim time on a warmer winter day)

How's your cross billed duckling doing?


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