Guinea fowl bonding questions


Oct 10, 2015
About 2 and a half years ago, a Guinea showed up on our property and adopted us. Named him Toot. He's now friends with a peacock that also walked out of the woods, I'm thinking they were from the same place and could have even known each other, but I'm not sure. Peacock would have been young. But they hang around together all the time.
Anyway, is there a way to gain their trust and get them to socialize more? I don't know if it's a male or female but I'm guessing male since he doesn't nest. I try to spend time within whenever possible, he follows our horses around and if I bring one of them up, Toot follows. The only time he'll let me pet him is if he's on part of our shed chilling. I was able to pet him tonight and got him to stand on my arm for a few seconds. Is there anything I can do to make him more comfortable around me?
Another question: may seem silly, but can they learn phrases and commands like a dog? I can tell him to get off the road, he gets off the road. I call "come home toot" if he's off property and the bird runs down. Doesn't work with anything other than "get off the road" and "come home toot" which I thought was very strange. But the bird listens. Never showed him what it meant or anything, he just knows and I think it's so cute!
OMG! I think you are the Guinea Whisper! that's great that you can get so close! mine could care less about me!
They are as smart as they are stupid. Mine will come to me when I say "Hey baby's" and I ring a dinner bell they will come running to me then into their coop. So yes I do believe they learn tones and sayings.
Guinea fowl will bond if you handle them for about 6 to 8 weeks. They have definite personalities and perhaps one the one that's adopted you may not want to get too close. Other than that , they tend to stay wild.

The way to tell a female from a male guinea fowl is only the female has that "buckwheat buckwheat buckwheat BUCKWHEAT" call that can seemingly go on for hours and drive you crazy. The males act like they've heard it before and keep quiet.

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