ok so i have started to build the COOP


In the Brooder
Nov 17, 2015

so heres the start to the build of the coop we will have in the back yard
would like to get some chicks NOW so they will be a few weeks older as i get closer to finshing it
but seems i cant find any till like late january or febuary?
Most hatcheries and farm supply stores stop selling chicks during the winter because there isn't enough demand for them. Chicks have to stay indoors longer in the winter because they can't handle outside winter temps, and most chickeneers won't take the risk of a heat lamp in the coop turning off during a storm, so hatcheries don't bother. If you want peepers NOW, you can look around for a local breeder or a hatchery from a warmer location to see if they have chicks.
The coop looks awesome, how big is it?
Well we are getting there with this build
The coop is about 5x7 hopefull will hold like 10 12 chickens

Well, a 5x7 coop, even with all the floor space available, isn't large enough for twelve standard hens. If you ask around, most people here on BYC will tell you that each hen needs four square feet of indoor space, not counting nest boxes or roosts. The less room a flock has, the more behavioral problems occur- everyone is cramped and grumpy. They turn on each other and can cause serious injuries. Chickens with more room are happier, healthier, and easier to manage. More room also frees up management options, like being able to use the deep litter method efficiently. Your coop could at most hold 8-9 hens- if you didn't include the nesting boxes in the rough measurements you gave me. If you free range you can get away with more birds, since they will spend most of their time outside, but free ranging has it's risks. Hawks, foxes, coyotes, neighborhood dogs.... lots of hungry predators out there.
I say, if you are going with standard size hens, keep 8-9; if you will keep bantams, you can house 15-17; or you can keep a few of both. Just be aware that Jersey Giants are not standard sized hens. They are HUGE, and make regular breeds like RIR's look like tiny bantams!
The coop is looking wonderful! I especially like the large roof overhang and the nest boxes, I put my egg access door on the side and every time I open it bedding falls out. But it is what it is, so we'll see. What breeds are you looking into?
The 5 boxes are not in the measurements
I'd like to be at 8 or 9 they will have a dog run of 7x13 for their run area someone had told me 10 or so but I'd be happy with 8 or so.
Do bantam lay th3 same eggs as standard size?
I'm looking for heat tolerate breed since I live in az.
I went and got myself an incubator and got some fertilized eggs from a friend, then I ordered some on ebay (shipped eggs are tougher to hatch-I had less than 50% hatch). Takes @21 days. I've got more in the incubator because after one month I got six chicks, instead of a dozen and I'd like to have hens laying eggs in the spring! In the past I had a nearby farmer's grandson hatch out a bunch for me. You need to ask around, maybe someone in your area will be willing to hatch some out for you!
I got some La Bresse (white w/blue legs, known in France for excellent flavor) fertilized eggs from someone in Arizona via ebay a couple of weeks ago. I'm also hatching out some Blue Gold Partridge Brahmas - they are very heat tolerant, slow to mature - I have two hens and three roosters that are very docile. Brown eggs.
You may want to look on this site or google up chicken breeders in your area, they may be willing to hatch some or sell some adult chickens-some will ship them to you.
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The 5 boxes are not in the measurements
I'd like to be at 8 or 9 they will have a dog run of 7x13 for their run area someone had told me 10 or so but I'd be happy with 8 or so.
Your coop is big enough for about 7 or 8 standard sized birds, depending on the breed. Your run will be big enough for about 8 or 9.
Do bantam lay th3 same eggs as standard size?
I'm looking for heat tolerate breed since I live in az.
Bantams lay proportionately smaller eggs.

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