Poor Oreo. I felt bad!


Aug 8, 2015
North Carolina
So, I had an issue in my coop. I guess I didn't brace the "lip" on the nesting shelf enough, and because they ALL sleep on it (10 pullets and a cockerel) it decided it was going to detach and fall (I assume from the weight over the last several months, it never FELT loose or anything at all or I would have fixed it!). Thankfully NONE of the chickens were hurt. So, yesterday evening I went out and put it back on. I had to wait for help since it takes 2 people to do (one to hold, the other to screw in place, it's 8ft long). They all decided that toward the end of us working they wanted to go into the coop. So all the pullets started piling in. Oreo, my cockerel, knew we were in there working so he was TRYING to be patient and let me finish. Apparently though, it was taking too long. The girls started making some noise to call him, and all of a sudden I hear a loud thud on the outside front of the coop. I don't know for sure, but I think he tried to fly into it. If not, he either tried to spur or ram it or something. I stopped what I was doing and told him hang on, almost done. So he waited, but the poor dude, I felt awful!
Hey chickmomma03 don’t feel too bad, I am sure Oreo has probably gotten over it by now and forgiven you

I understand what you are saying though, I had a similar ‘feel awful – bad chicken mum’ moment.

One of my hen’s was showing all her normal signs of going broody and as I was certain she had already laid her egg for that day, I blocked off the nest boxes. She tried all ways to get to them and I kept telling her “No, no eggs or babies for you this time around” … anyways, this went on for a while and then it went quiet … I found her in one of the nest boxes on which I had put a light weight lid .. she had managed to crawl in under the lid and was sitting with the lid on her head and the egg she had laid under her

I felt sooooo bad and so guilty! From that day on, anybody showing signs of going broody is given the benefit of the doubt until I am 110% certain.
Quote: Dude, I totally "kicked" Quail out yesterday, and the poor girl. Shortly after I did and collected the eggs, she went back in and immediately laid an egg!

He definitely was fine today lol, but it makes me feel bad when things don't quite go as planned. They go into the coop at the same time every night since the switch of time. I knew I was pushing it, but I didn't know it was that far lol. I think he was ticked he couldn't get to the girls, but once I helped him up on the roost (the girls were blocking his way) he settled peacefully :)

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