What is wrong with my poultry?


Nov 19, 2015
Hey guys and girls!
I just slaughtered 2 chickens today (ISA Brown). When I took out the guts I noticed somerhing strange on both their livers.
One looks like its filled with corn and the other has a really strange colour
Any ideas what it could be?


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BTW they both seemed completely healthy until now.
They came running when we fed them and also ate normally. They both laid eggs, but were approx. 3 years old
Those are amazing pictures. Thanks for posting and noting that they were otherwise healthy.
I would probably call those lesions and the cause may be (in my limited veterinary/diagnostic knowledge) in order of likelihood, Lymphoid Leukosis, Marek's, Pullorum, Tuberculosis.
I hope someone knows for sure, I'd like to know.
Do you have a poultry lab in DK to send them to for evaluation?
That would be best.
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Thanks for the reply.
We probably do, but I threw them away, since I did not want to risk eating sick birds.
Someone suggested it could be due to the high stress level ISA's apparently have because they're genetically enhanced to lay as many eggs as possible. But.. I slaughtered two birds in the august and one two weeks ago and they were perfectly fine, so its definately something new.

I looked up Lymphoid Leukosis, Marek's, Pullorum, Tuberculosis. And in all cases it looks like there are other symptoms as well, which I have not noticed on my birds. But maybe they were in the early stages?

I'll slaughter one or two more tomorrow morning and hope for a different result.
Thank you very much!
It seems that 3 out of 5 times I google something about poultry I end up on BYC anyway, so it seems to be a webpage with a lot of knowledge and ideas.
I hoped that maybe I could borrow a little of all that knowledge and in time maybe add some of my own
It has nothing to do with the genetic engineering. There is a disease involved.
Lymphoid Leukosis, Marek's and Pullorum can sometimes have no other symptoms. TB usually does but is associated with birds over 2 years of age.

There's no known human health risk from LL or Marek's.
If Pullorum or TB, don't use the meat.

That's why I so wish people would get lab work done rather than just discard. We really need to know exactly what we're dealing with.
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