How long do guineas need game bird feed?


Oct 7, 2015
Osteen, FL
My guineas are 16 weeks old & since I let them out of the cage to range with the chickens, I have mixed game bird feed in with the chicken layer pellets. I am out of the game bird feed & wonder if I need to buy more. Any advice would be welcome. I am new to chickens & guineas (6 of each).
My guineas are 16 weeks old & since I let them out of the cage to range with the chickens, I have mixed game bird feed in with the chicken layer pellets. I am out of the game bird feed & wonder if I need to buy more. Any advice would be welcome. I am new to chickens & guineas (6 of each).

Your guineas are old enough to be on layer feed without the game bird feed. My guineas live with the chickens and do fine on the layer feed once they are around 4 months old. I also give all my poultry alfalfa at this time of year when there is very little grass to supplement their diet. I've read that guineas need grass to help aid in digesting their feed. Don't know if this is true but the guineas and chickens usually clean it all up.
Thanks a lot! That really helps. We are in FL, so the grass issue isn't a problem. Glad I can take a break on extra feed. Unless/until I have keets hatching in the spring. But that would be a good thing!
Hello: it is true that once a Keet gets old enough they do not need game bird 20 percent protein as a 100 percent diet.
However, do be aware that chickens and guinea fowl are very much different when it comes to nutritional needs.
If you let your flock out at least every other day and the bugs are plentiful you will be fine.
If you do not let your birds out or the bugs are thin then you will need to add protein to their feed.
I use 20 percent game bird and regular poultry grain on a 1 to 3 average combination.
I simply through in 1 scoop game bird to 3 scoops of poultry and mix these and put it all in a feeder.
You can up the amount by 2 scoops to 5-6 scoops poultry and mix these.
Guinea can live on just poultry for a pretty long time, but they will eventually fail.
Help this helps. Guina

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