
6 Years
First time Incubating
I have one little one that cant seem to put weight on one leg and i don't what to do!
I don't think it's splayed but I don't know if its slipped or what!
Want to save this chick and I know that untreated "cripples" die..

Temporary chick hospital is incubator

Chick is in a small container with a washcloth in it.
it was in the brooder like this but the other ones kept speeding by and aggravating injury, would hop in container and peck her!

how do i treat?
I have read all those links this morning before posting.
I dont know some of the terms in there, Is there anyone local who knows about this and can look at it?
Tendon looks down the middle of back leg.
I am bad at pictures and dont know what to do
I am in St.Pete/Pinellas Park area
If you run your finger next to the groove where the tendon is supposed to be and can't feel it (it would feel something like a bit of string rolling around), I'd guess its where its should be. That chick may have just had a hard time hatching, or got itself into a weird position while preparing to hatch. I've had a few that seemed to be favoring one leg after hatch, and honestly, I just leave them be (unless they're struggling to get around, to the food and water) and they were running around like normal after a couple of days. I'd put it back with the other chicks and keep an eye on it. There's going to be some pecking, chicks explore the world around them with their beaks. If its not aggressive, just leave them to it. Chicks are usually less stressed when they're with their buddies, even if they're being pushed around.

Good luck!
I really, don't think it's spraddling.
the chick can move, but it hurts to have weight on that leg

Try some extra vitamins/minerals in it's water. Lot's of leg issues with chicks are vitamin/mineral related (something missing in hen's diet).

Here is something to read:

I've also read Vitamin E and selenium could be the cause. You might try administering a drop of Vit E in the beak.

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