Older hen lethargic, light-weight, lessenned appetite


In the Brooder
Aug 1, 2015
Patience, a Black Star who will be turning 7 years old in the spring, has been sick lately. Late in the summer, we had to rescue her from flystrike, recovering in 3 weeks. Now, she is again in tough condition.

A while ago, she molted beautifully. Now, she is very light and her breastbone has little meat on it, feeling almost sharp in my hand. She seems to have had some issues with runny droppings (today I clipped some of the dropping-laden feathers), and she has also had much less of an appetite than the rest of the flock. She doesn't seem to care for grain, but will eat bread. I also noticed, while hand-feeding her, that she has a weak peck and will sometimes even drop food. Other symptoms of whatever seem to be ailing her include being lethargic, often standing with her neck pulled in and her eyes closed, and a slight droopiness of the eyes. I rarely see her preen her feathers, though they don't seem to be in bad shape.

She is fortunately receiving good treatment from the rest of the flock. Some of our other hens of the same age often accompany her and will even huddle up next to her when she is tired and goes into the henhouse, even though it is broad daylight and they would likely rather be outside in the yard foraging.

Are these symptoms enough to diagnose her? Is there any way to help? I know she will probably need more weight on her for these New England winters.
I honestly would not like to suggest what may be wrong with her but it may be useful to add vitamin supplements / electrolyse in the whole flocks water as it can boost immune systems and perk them up.
Good luck

Its sounds like she ahd a great life with you, i have done quite a bit of research on stars and they generally dont live very long thats. I not sure whats wrong with her through but it could be a few things. I just want to offer support, its sounds like she very much loved by her flock mates.
This morning, I got up to let the chickens out when I noticed that Patience was not among them. I found her in the henhouse, sprawled out on the floor, kicking and flapping.

In half an hour, she had breathed her last breath on my lap as I sat on the porch. In her last moments, she would often stretch out her legs and her head would curve back. She died in my arms.

If only I had done something sooner.
Sweet heart she was very old for her breed they only live 4 years from what i read she surpassed that thanks to your care. It sounded like her and the other girls knew her time was close dont feel guilty over that feel blessed to have had so much time with her.
I have an older turkey hen, she is about 4. Since the weather change over here her poops have been just water, she isnt eatting or drinking much at all, sge also have droped some weight. I am just worried about her.
I have an older turkey hen, she is about 4. Since the weather change over here her poops have been just water, she isnt eatting or drinking much at all, sge also have droped some weight. I am just worried about her.

@BigBird98, welcome to BYC! Can you bring her inside where it's warm? Has she ever been de-wormed?


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