Have a crowing pullet

It takes some adjusting before the right "measure" fits around the neck. I have a rooster outside that this works incredibly well with. But I do have to caution anyone intending to try it. I kept my outside rooster indoors for a couple days while I was fitting the collar on him to quiet him. I take monitoring seriously with new toys, devices, and collars. Because there are some negative reviews from people that claim the collar killed their chicken. The roo needs to be able to breathe comfortably but not push all the air out at once to create the crowing noise. It's a very fickle balance. Delta is on day three, and I have yet to tighten it a little more. But because I'm waiting on a shipment of chicklets to come in, I'm allowing him to adjust to simply wearing it, putting anything on a chickens neck is going to annoy them for a bit and they'll be stuck in reverse for a couple hours. I'm aiming to raise the chicks beside his cage until everyone can be transferred outside. I don't have a big enough flock as it stands to support two roosters. I, personally, love the collars. But, again, i take monitoring them way serious because I don't want a dead rooster!

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