Is it true doves and chickens can share diseases?


11 Years
Aug 29, 2012
I was told they are very closely related so can share diseases? I was going to babysit some doves for a month but now wondering if that's a good bio security idea for my chickens? One of their doves recently died from some sort of bone infection in its leg.
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Biggest risk will be in order: wild birds near them, rodents in with them, insects, especially when pen/s wet n area/s around, all initially spread by songbirds though to new areas. Parrots other hookbills, caged songbirds and other dove species "pigeons" are rock doves), also are major carriers of disease s etc.. Chickens actually are more prone to make pigeons sick with diseases they are immune to now or can fight off, than anything that hasnt killed majority of pigeons. Just keep them all dry and water fresh. For otherwise what would be real bio-security, would be inch hardware cloth covered in screen/skeeto netting, with four foot overhang on top, and raised concrete slab as bottom sloping outward.
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Probiotics, Garlic seed, and acv seem to go long way, as have natural supplements otherwise. I've never tried ol timer med of cap o bleach per gallon of drinking water..
Can pigeons get diseases chickens had same symptoms of.. Yes , sadly seen it happen when people put pigeons in coops where chickens where, but could be above pests etc said carrying from one to other, or to both.

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