If I don't have wood ash to put over bedding for chickens, geese, etc., before I put on more straw,


In the Brooder
Sep 11, 2015
Can I put sand or dirt over bedding in the coop before I put on new straw? Some people have mentioned using wood ash but I don't have any.
you put ash over the straw? Did they say why? I personally put DE under the straw to help control pests. Many people add wood ash to their dust baths, but fine sand or dirt works just as well in that.
I read that, instead of removing their soiled bedding (straw) in winter, to sprinkle wood ash over and then put down more straw.
The wood ash is most likely used as a preventive treatment for mites, a lot of people put it in their dust baths for the same reason. I'd rather use ash than de since it's free and I've actually heard it's effective, de costs money, more than its worth in my opinion, and from all I've read it does very little too fight off an infestation of mites. I just spread new bedding over the old I don't bother putting anything else down and I've never had a problem

I dump ashes when I have them. I spread new bedding when I have it, or if the coop begins to get an odor. I don't worry about doing which when, they're both just done when I have the materials or it's needed.
I put ashes in the run for dust bathing, just rake it in. Like @blucoondawg says it's free. I probably will put some under the bedding when I change it out.

If you spread ashes in your coop, be VERY, VERY, VERY sure they're stone cold!!!!
Always great advice. I have had some sitting in the ash bucket outside and it's still hot after a couple of days. Even if you aren't going to use it for your chickens, you want it cool if you are putting it in the edge of the woods or anywhere it could start a fire.

I put any excess at the edge of the woods on an ash pile. I see the local wild birds taking a bath in them. Cardinals flopping around are fun to watch, just like chickens are
There are several things I never have enough of in my yard: grass clipppings, leaves, wood chips (shredded trees), chicken poop, and stove ashes. Give me an endless supply of all of these, and I'm a happy camper.

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