If I don't have wood ash to put over bedding for chickens, geese, etc., before I put on more straw,

If you spread ashes in your coop, be VERY, VERY, VERY sure they're stone cold!!!!

LG, I was thinking of this this morning....Honey cleaned out the woodstove and there were still embers from the night's fire. We put the ashes in the steel ash bucket with a tight fitting lid and leave it on the porch for a few days, then stir through it to be sure everything's dead before it gets dumped. He set the bucket on the porch, then called me out a few hours later. Wish I'd gotten a pic--my barn cat Pete was curled up on the lid of the bucket, loving the toasty warmth coming from those embers! He was the happiest cat we have, everyone else was all curled up in tight little balls.
Wood ash will raise the pH of soil. A little goes a long way. If you are composting your bedding and adding it to your garden you might want to limit the amount of ash you add or else you'll end up with very alkaline soil.

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