Where can I order pullets?


5 Years
Dec 22, 2015
Rhode Island
Hello! I used to have chickens before I left for school, and now that I am graduated I would like to get some this spring. I want extremely good layers or any color egg. I ordered chicks from McMurray Hatchery back in the day, but I would like pullets or new layers this time to bypass the waiting for eggs. I will try to find some locally but in case that fails, are there any reputable places to order pullets or young layers online?

Yes there are some websites that are known for good layers at the age of beganing to lay eggs. The website my http://mypetchicken.com sells good layers that are at the age of already laying to about to lay. I think they lay within a day of two of you getting them. :)
Yes there are some websites that are known for good layers at the age of beganing to lay eggs. The website my http://mypetchicken.com sells good layers that are at the age of already laying to about to lay. I think they lay within a day of two of you getting them.

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Also Murray McMurray and Meyer offer started pullet or juveniles.

Meyer claims : "The pullets are fully vaccinated, beak trimmed, floor raised, treated for intestinal worms, and ready to move into your laying barn."

McMurray claims: "Started Pullets are hens that range from 15-22 weeks old. You can purchase any number of started pullets - even just one. Most hens start laying eggs at 24 weeks. So once they arrive and become accustomed to their new surroundings, they will shortly begin to lay eggs."
Not sure what their vaccination, beak trimming procedure(s) are, but I'm sure if you search you could find it.
No the breaks don't grow back I don't think.
They trim there breaks to prevent feather pecking or bulling in the flock. They do that in large farms where hens are in confined spaces, most back yard flocks don't need that. I'm sure you could ask for your birds to not have breaks trimed, but I'm not sure if they'd do so.
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The beaks are trimmed as baby chicks, and they don't grow back. I would not order birds with trimmed beaks, I think it's barbaric.

MMM has a ton of different breeds available, and their birds are supposedly pasture raised. Shipping is a bear, though. It would be much cheaper to find birds locally, or go with chicks.
I'm not a huge fan of beak trimming in backyard flocks after dealing with a group that had beaks cut too short and could not eat out of the normal chicken feeder. I rescued that lot from someone else and it was annoying to deal with. I felt bad for the poor birds.

I know som 4h groups raise started pullets for fundraisers. May be worth checking out as well!
I'm not a huge fan of beak trimming in backyard flocks after dealing with a group that had beaks cut too short and could not eat out of the normal chicken feeder. I rescued that lot from someone else and it was annoying to deal with. I felt bad for the poor birds.

I know som 4h groups raise started pullets for fundraisers. May be worth checking out as well!

I don't think beak trimming would be for me. That's why I mentioned to check for that before you buy.

4H is a great idea! Also sometimes craigslist has started pullets if you aren't picky with the breed.

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