Pullet almost missing one forward toe on each foot

Henrik Petersson

11 Years
Jan 9, 2009
Karlskrona, Sweden
Hey guys! I thought I'd show you my mixed-breed pullet who's outer forward toes are reduced to little clawless stumps. She was hatched like this, didn't lose the toes in an accident, or something:

She' happy and healthy anyway, scratching and running with the rest of them.

I call her my little "Ninja Mutant Chicken" because her feet remind me of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles' feet. ;)

This is the first time I've seen this in any chicken.
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I suppose it is uncommon to be hatched like this. I had a few chickens that lost some or all of their toes after reaching some age. (about 7 or 8 years). They were of the feathered feet variety, cochins or mixes of. My serama/cochin mix had no toes at all for a long time. Still was able to walk well and even land and stay on roost with no problem. I do not know the reason for the toes breaking off. I suspect osteoporosis, and when the bone snapped, soon the rest just dried and fell off.

She is the small black hen above the middle. I no longer have her.
None of my other chickens that had non feathered feed lost any toes. Maybe it is something in the genetics??? Most of my chickens live long lives.(I only keep a few and pets only). Longest living so far was my Silver Seabrite that lived 13 years. The Easter Egger that is all the way on the right side of the picture will be 10 this coming April.

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