How do you think he'll do?


Sep 25, 2015
I have two cockerals who raised together from itty bitty little chick all the way up to 8 months old.They stick together.But,I just have too many roosters,and the leghorn may hav eto go.Do you think his bud will be stressed?
Chickens do notice and have an adjustment period after a flock member vanishes. But, they've got thousands of years of being a prey animal behind them. Prey animals know flock members just vanish from time to time, and they adjust pretty well. Myself, I think a lot of behavioral changes folks notice at that time are related to a heightened awareness for potential predators. After all, they don't know why the other bird is gone, there may be monsters lurking about waiting for a chicken dinner.
We just had to rehome a roo that was mean and attacked me. Got me real good with his spurs. I have noticed nothing but peace this week since he has been gone. Even tho it is for different reasons, I do think your remaining flock will deal with his absence ok and not be sad. They will adapt.
Donrae hit my main point. They are prey animals and adjust pretty quickly after one or more go missing. If the missing bird was fairly high in the pecking order or flock dominance, the flock dynamics will change. Exactly how will depend on the personality of the individual birds and where the missing chicken fit in. It may not be noticeable, it may be a dramatic change for the better or worse.

But the main thing is, they will get over it and get on with life as a chicken.
I was concerned because mt very first flock hada pair of sisters who bullied and stucked together,and when one of them died,the other all of a sudden got slower and just died.

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