Black Minorca? Leghorn?

Poop Cleaner

In the Brooder
Dec 13, 2015


I got this bird from Craigslist along with some others. They said she was a Black Australorp but she has white earlobes and a long slender body. She is also rather small.

What do you think? Is this maybe a minorca or leghorn instead? Or a mix? She is very calm so it seems unlike the breed descriptions for those birds as well.

Also, any guesses on what age she is?

could be a mix , or a bantam minorca, or even a leghorn. If she is a leghorn her comb will get huge and flop over when she gets close to laying

Thanks! So do you think she is young? I am confused about their age because they aren't laying. I heard pullets are supposed to lay through the winter?
depending on breed they can start laying anywhere from 5 months (leghorns) to 9 months on average they start at 7 months.When they get close to laying they will show interest in dummy eggs of golf balls that are in the nesting boxes. They will squat when you go to rub down their backs and their combs and wattles will get bigger and redder. Sometimes if they come to laying age in the winter they don't start laying until swpring

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