D'Uccle chicks


Just the Chicks
6 Years
Mar 7, 2015
Douglas, MA
I have 3 porcelian cockerels, and 3 golden neck pullets. Looking to sell or trade. Best price. Willing to let them go as pairs or any other configuration. PM me for pictures.
Because of the questions I have been getting, I wanted to share the pictures of all of the birds I am offering. I am going to answer the most asked questions, I do not know if they are show quality, I have a 10wk old Cockerel, and the rest of the birds are 5wks. I did not get them from from a hatchery, I got them from a private breeder in California. I do not know if she shows her birds. I will offer the birds for $10 each, $15 for pairs, and if you want all six $45, all plus shipping. Please PM me with any other questions, or offers.



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