Ordering ducklings question

Local stores will normally order straight run, which means they get males and females and you can't tell them apart unless you vent sex them.

If you want a drake you should get at least 3 females. Sometimes you can have a mating pair but it is more likely that the female would get stressed from being over breed. If you just want the ducks as pets, and you only want two, I would recommend getting only females.

Metzer Farms has Blue Swedish. You can order a minimum of two ducks and they will sex them. You will pay more for the sexing and for a small order. I went with Metzer because I only wanted 4 girls and I wanted a specific breed that I couldn't find locally. I was very happy with the order.

http://www.metzerfarms.com/BlueSwed...536548&ID=BS&BirdType=Duck&Breed=Blue Swedish
Thanks for that info! I didn't think about the female being stressed from being over bred...good point. I'd like to have some ongoing eggs which is why we were thinking a male and female for pets but maybe 2 females and a male we will keep. Very helpful, thanks!
Thanks for that info! I didn't think about the female being stressed from being over bred...good point. I'd like to have some ongoing eggs which is why we were thinking a male and female for pets but maybe 2 females and a male we will keep. Very helpful, thanks!
If you are not planning on raising baby ducks, forget the drake, just get hens. you do not need a drake for eggs. the hen will produce eggs with out the drake.Just get 3 hens and they will be happy as a flock. Drakes need 5 to 6 hens , other wise the hen`s will be stressed. Drakes have no mercy .
If I place an order on Metzer for already hatched ducks, will they come as babies or are they full grown ducks?
To start, an incubator! Plus supplies. Then, a brooder. Plus supplies. That's a whole different discussion!!! I love hatching though. There's some great links for that and lots of people here hatch!!!

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