Newbie from Fort Langley, BC


Jan 22, 2016
Hi all,

We have recently moved onto a 5 acre property in Fort Langley and have 4 young Australorp hens who are taking their sweet time laying (we finally got our first egg 2 days ago.) I've just ordered 6 Caramel Queen chicks - my first go at raising the little ones! (But, I figure if I can handle my 4 kids that are 6 and under, I can handle anything

We also have 2 adorable Nigerian Dwarf Goat doelings coming in early March, so we've been prepping the barn and need to add our fencing. The chickens will free range with the goats.

I've already used this website as a source on numerous occasions. It's great!
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. Australorps are a great breed; extremely hardy in both heat and cold, calm and gentle (great lap pets), and excellent layers of brown eggs. If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center at There is lots of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.

Just think of all the "help" you'll have with the animals! Kids and farm animals are a great match up, they'll make memories to last a lifetime.

In addition to all the poultry forums here on BYC, there's this one where you can post about your goats:

Have fun, it's nice to have you join us!

Thank you! I wouldn't have thought to look for a place to post about the goats. :)
Thank you! I wouldn't have thought to look for a place to post about the goats. :)

You're very welcome! There is a place to post on almost any subject here on BYC...all sorts of animals, hobbies, gardening, diy, games, baking (see the link in my signature line if you're interested in that). Lots of things to do here, so take a look around and find something that interests you.

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