Hello from Tennessee

Doc McCluckins

Feb 3, 2016
Middle Tennessee

I am a chicken addict. They say the first step is admitting you have a problem but I don't see a problem!

My husband and I have a small flock of 12 birds, although that can change at the blink of an eye. One accidental stop at a flea market and we could have 32... We recently sold over 120 birds (all his) when we got married to move them to our new home and I find them much more enjoyable when there is a manageable number. I have been obsessed with chickens about 6 years now and love learning new things about them. I compete in occasional small local chicken shows. I love ornamental breeds, colorful egg layers, and bantams. We currently only have standard egg laying breeds including Ameraucana, Black Copper Marans, Olive Egger, Black Australorps, a Cucko Maran, a Production Red, a Buff Brahman, and a Silky Roo. The hubby doesn't like bantams due to small eggs or breeds with low production so right now I am just enjoying my colorful egg basket!

I am looking forward to learning more!
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. All of us here at BYC have OCD (Obsessive Chicken Disorder) and very few of us are immune to "chicken math." :eek:) If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center at https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center. There is lots of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
Hi and a warm welcome to BYC - glad to have you onboard. Whilst theres always something to learn, i do hope that you will find a little time to share your experiences with members posting questions as well.

As for the addiction, nah, its not an addiction, i bet you could stop any time you wanted! Its just that you don't want to

All the best
Glad you joined the Backyard chickens flock. Sounds like your husband is a good sport, giving up so many of his birds.
Thanks everyone! It is certainly a fun adventure. I had a few questions that I have found the answers to in previous threads. So I will continue feeling around to get used to the format and make myself at home. It is that time of year where it is dangerous to go to a tractor supply or Co-op. Luckily I work at the corporate office of our Co-op so I never have any reason to actually go to the stores themselves. Although I know we will. We have agreed on 10 chicks this year to add to our flock. Now all that is left is to decide what kinds and to get our brooder set up
Thanks everyone! It is certainly a fun adventure. I had a few questions that I have found the answers to in previous threads. So I will continue feeling around to get used to the format and make myself at home. It is that time of year where it is dangerous to go to a tractor supply or Co-op. Luckily I work at the corporate office of our Co-op so I never have any reason to actually go to the stores themselves. Although I know we will. We have agreed on 10 chicks this year to add to our flock. Now all that is left is to decide what kinds and to get our brooder set up

You're welcome.

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