What to feed my chickens

OK now it makes sense... So do I just make a small chicken run for her self what has the mesh on the bottom? I m asking cuz I really know nothing about chickens at all I got mine about 2 weeks ago and all I knew was Rhode Island Reds are good egg layers. So I bought them and realized I know nothing about chickens. I've been known to do things spontaneously lol
Most of my broodies will break by just being moved off the nest and kept in a small pen, they will pace and cluck to try to get back, so be prepared to see that, occasionally I have a stubborn one that will sit anywhere, that's the ones that need the wire bottom for. Three days breaks most, the longer they are broody the longer it takes. I can catch mine quickly and break them in two days.

Be aware that broodiness is contagious, and if a broody is left, others get the idea. They stop laying eggs when broody and can take up to 6 weeks to resume again.

Make sure to provide food and water, and again they will pace so put them where they won't get knocked over.
Well it seems that she is just sitting on them for a while then stopping in building the girls a new place now so I'll see how they do once its done

OK so I switched to the non-gmo organic feed but since I did this I have noticed more frequent runny poop I know that it is normal but before I switched they weren't doing it as often does anyone know why this is happing and what I can do about it
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I had the vet at my house last night because some of my flock are sick. She gave me medicine for them to put in the water. She then told me no more veggies,fruits, Cheerios, yogurt, or bread. Only chicken feed. Help my girls love their snack time.
I had the vet at my house last night because some of my flock are sick. She gave me medicine for them to put in the water. She then told me no more veggies,fruits, Cheerios, yogurt, or bread. Only chicken feed. Help my girls love their snack time.
Toss their chicken feed on the ground, they'll think it's a treat. I mix scratch grains 50/50 with layers feed and toss it on the ground. I can give them just the layers feed and they gobble it up. They don't know it's good for them. That's how I introduced them to pellets.

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