Hens not using boxes


Jan 7, 2016
I have 12 hens that just a started to lay a week or two ago.. I seem to have one or two that doesn't get the picture what the nesting boxes are for.. Every few days I'll find one or two eggs in the middle of the coop. Under the lamp.. The coop floor is straw for winter with the temps of good old Michigan.. Any thoughts?

Some take a while to figure it out, make sure your nests are darkened and you have fake eggs to draw then in and tell them it's safe to lay in the boxes.
Then hopefully they figure it out, it can take some a bit of time, some like to discover a better place than what you provided, but most will end up in the nestboxes with an occasional troublemaker.
Are then nests easy to get up to and down from?
Have you seen the birds checking out the nests at all?

It can take up to a month for all the kinks to work out.
Meanwhile, eggs everywhere, some of them can be rather funky looking, soft or thin shelled, huge double yolked eggs.
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When ours first started to lay, they weren't using the nesting boxes until we made a few changes. Post a pic and maybe someone can spot a possible problem. Sometimes it's just trial & error to get it right.

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