
In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 4, 2007
Joplin, Missouri
I am in the process of testing to be a living kidney donor for my cousin-in-law and I am waiting on all medical parties to decide on me being the right person for the job. The wait is killing me. I should know something by 5pm. I want to do this for my cousin and him, as I feel I should give something back to them. I spent all of my teenage summers with them and if I hadn't I feel like I would have turned out to be a pretty awful adult. (I was a pretty rebelious kid.) I could have made this a really long thread, but I needed something to pass the last 30 minutes. Could I impose on everyones kindness for a few added prayers?
I tried to sign up to be a marrow donor, but because I've had heart surgery, they wouldn't let me...

I hope you can do this for your cousin-in-law.
Well they have thought of one more test for me to do and if the reults from it are what they are looking for, I'm it!!! We are looking at October for the surgery. Thanks for listening!
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I applaud and admire your convictions.

I would only offer one word of advice: If you have young children, please consider this very carefully. It will leave you with only one kidney and if that one should fail, you will be affecting their lives.

Regardless, prayers to both you and your cousin.
I have been on a bone marrow donor list for a few years now. I completely understand your wish to help your friend and also thinks it's awesome of you. I would also consider what Wolfpacker mentioned. The odds that one of your children would ever need one of your kidneys is remote but just be sure that you've thought that through as well. Perhaps speak with the physician you are working with. You've probably thought about it already. Again, highest commendations for what you are doing.
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Hey Kelli, Nice to see you back. I hope things go well for you and your cousin-in-law. What an awesome thing to do. Keep us posted and prayers for you all.
Thank you for all of your kind words and prayers to everyone. I have thought a lot about my girls ( I have two 15 and 13), but fortunantely this kidney disease does not afflict my family since it is a cousin in law that I am donating to. The disease is PKD, if anyone is curious to find out about it. Diabetes does NOT run in my family!I wll be able to see my grandkids with one of my kidneys and I want to make sure he does too. You wouldn't believe all the doctors, social workers and phsycologists you have to work with before this is done. I can back out right up until they administer the antisteshia, the surgery will probably be in October, so get your camera's ready, i will need pics in the hospital, especially CHICKENDUCK, (I HAVE BEEN WATCHING HIM 4-H MOM!!!). I am 5 months into testing, I don't think there is any thing we have missed. Just so it it is chicken related I will get 6 weeks at my home with the peeps, with one who has started laying, so maybe I will get to see the others start and maybe have a broody (I'm watching the fertile eggs closely!)

I don't mean to be a bother with my life, but I only have my husband as my only bestfriend. I was just curious to see if I had someone in the same situation, just looking for a connection.

Chicksrule................THANK YOU!!!!!
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