What Breed is my Mystery/Special/Rare Chick from Murray McMurray?


Feb 8, 2016
I recently received an order of chicks and had two extra chicks included (same breed). Do you have any idea what breed this chick is? She's 7 days old and smaller than my Delaware and Cockoo Maran chicks.

Please let me know if I may provide additional information.

Thanks in advance for any help!

There are a number of breeds that are striped like that as chicks but I'm thinking they are likely Easter Egger chicks. Murray breeds a lot of EEs and (as is often the case with hatcheries) incorrectly markets them as Araucanas/Ameraucanas.
Looks like an Old English Game bantam, if it were an Easter Egger the legs would be green and it would have a beard and muffs--all of which it does not have.
Not all Easter Eggers have green legs and beard/ muff.

Just the same not all green legged fowl with beards/ muffs are Easter Eggers.

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