What Breed are these?


Jan 18, 2016
Ok so I bought these chicks a few days ago and not sure what breed they are any help would be appreciated.
Not familiar with White Rock... Guess I won't be able to truly tell until ?, you think.....
You can't really tell the difference between a White Rock and a White Leghorn until after about 8 weeks old. White Leghorns get white earlobes, White Rocks have red earlobes.
Ok I have a question... I've read where some have chicken that started laying at 17 weeks,so is it safe to assume that some will start earlier than 24-26 weeks.... I'm working on building my flock and hopefully increase by 15 more before the summer months, finding the hens is the hardest. I currently have 9 hens ranging from the age of 2weeks to 13 weeks.
Most breeds start laying at about 20 to 25 weeks. Some breeds take longer to mature, and won't start laying until after 6 months or later. Some individuals will begin laying as early as 15 weeks old, but it certainly isn't very common, even for the fast maturing production types. The vast majority of pullets will begin laying at about 20 to 25 weeks old.
So then my Nov pulletts should possible start laying around late March. I'm trying to keep their ages no more than 12 weeks apart...That is my goal anyway. Looking to add 10 more in the next few weeks if I can find them...
I started out with 4 baby chicks, one died after 2 nights and now another has died. Didn't make it to 2 weeks. I'm constantly observing them, changing water to keep clean and plenty of food. I can't figure why she died. Been keeping temp at 95. Any thoughts? My grandson came over today trying to play with them but I had him stop. Could to much handling them do it....

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