Building a chicken moat/run around the garden in stages.

So awesome!!! I'm excited to see the progress. Here is our coop and run. We are working on a duck house right now and 8x8 pen for them.

We planted trumpeter vines on the front for shade year round and grape vines to help shade during summer. We only have 1/3 of an acre so no moat and garden for us unfortunately.
That is awesome! what a good job! We have also talked about grape vines for one side of the moat. Love the pictures thank you so much for sharing.
Beware that vining woody plants can take over, grow thru/into, and destroy a structure.

Very true. Nice thing about grape vines is you trim them back to a Y each year so they don't get out of hand. I thought as long as they are using my exterior fence as a trellis and cannot reach the coop/barn I'd be fine.
Ya that's why they are on the run not on any structure. Including our fence. We paid way too much for that fence have it destroyed.

That's true, grapes can be pretty easily controlled if you keep at it ....some others not so much, wisteria is probably the worst, but there are others too.
Structure meaning the framework and fencing can be harmed as well as buildings.
So this isn't really a part of the moat, but, this thread is also our journey on chicken keeping. I've had comments that the picks of our chicks are really good and I'm saying that I am NOT a professional photographer, carpenter, handyman, or anything like that. I spent 17 years in the Army doing mainly Military Police duties so yea doughnuts are my thing
That being said here is one of the chick picks that I took (all on my iPhone 6)

How you ask, well here you go, this is our photo shoot set up One box, one white poster board, one light.


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