Ideas needed for blocking rats access to water


6 Years
Jul 25, 2013

A friend lent me their trail camera so I could figure out how rats were drinking the chickens water. I have been working on stopping them from getting in the run area period (hardware cloth on all four sides, floor, ceiling, etc.) but that's another post as they are still finding a way in (Arghhh!!). They are, as most of you know, pretty industrious and seem to find a way in no matter what I do. But like I said, that's for another post.

Some of you may have seen this water system - a cooler with a nipple system screwed in place of the normal stopper. I haven't looked at all the photos yet but they are either coming from the top of the cooler or climbing down the side and then over? (pic 1). I need to find something that would deter them from being able to sit on the reservoir (pic 2) and use that as their base as they drink (pic 3).

I have some steel wool and was thinking about attaching that to the reservoir somehow, stacking it high so they can't balance themselves.

All ideas welcome.

Thanks in advance!!


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They have a landing platform with that type waterer. You need one with the nipples attached underneath. I got one at my local Ace Hardware... Or you can by the nipples and attach them to any slick, straight sided bucket.
Thanks. I'm not looking for a new system or to buy something new, I'm looking for ideas to work with what I have rather than spending yet more money on the coop. To be more specific, what can I put on the 'landing platform' that will make it impossible for them to drink the water?
Might try attacking a greased plastic cone to top so when they slide down string/wire (or jump over) to the top, they would slide off. If you already have a bucket however, you can buy nipples for very little. I've had to adjust my water system twice... The underneath nipples worked best. Good luck!
your the sneaky one , aren't you. Great shots with the trail Cam. proof positive of poor design. the previous post has your answer. There are some very high pitched mouse and rat preventers that might help you also. Just plug them in and forget it. Hurts the ears. I confess i know nothing about the hearing range of chickens.
Good Luck.

thanks for the idea of trail cams.


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