Disadvantages of buying 4 week old chicks?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 30, 2011
I am looking to start a very small flock of Australorps. Our feed store should have some day old chicks in a few weeks. Meanwhile I found a hatchery that would ship 4 week old chicks. ( The price of course is quite a bit more)

Wondering if there are disadvantages to buying older chicks? ie not as friendly or docile, etc.

Thanks for any input.
in my own personal experience I've bought 4 week Olds before because they were Silkies and I've waited for D.N.A. sexing results. I had no issues with them being a little bit older. in fact, they are less fragile then hatchlings. and less needy. Heat wise ect.I honestly can't say there were any disadvantages except perhaps being vaccinated for Mareks at a day old. at 4 weeks it's too late for that. But other than that it was more a advantage than disadvantage. hope this helps a bit. :)
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