New Duckies - ID Help?


In the Brooder
Feb 19, 2016
So last night while in the Tractor Supply picking out pullets, I couldn't resist going to the duck bin as well. I asked the lady if they knew what breeds were in the bin and she said that all of them were Mallards. Argh! No, they weren't all Mallards. I don't know duck breeds very well, but I know enough to be able to tell that. Or at least I think I do, ha! So please correct me if I'm wrong, and I did indeed bring home two Mallards. I'm hoping the little black one is a Cayuga or a Runner. The yellow one though....maybe an Ancona? I just hope, despite the breed, that I ended up with two females. I got lucky on the last two and ended up with a male and female. The male turned out to be a Khaki Cambell and the female I'm guessing is a Rouen or Rouen/Mallard mix. She's a good egg layer whatever she is.

So I had to edit the photo with the black duckling to show him a little better. He is so dark he comes out as a black blob in my pics. There is maybe a very faint bit of yellow fluff on his chest, but it is really hard to see. Bill and legs are completely black.

Here are Stella and Sam, just now a year old.

Super cute! Defiantly not mallards. I agree will your guess on Ancona and Cayuga. Cayugas can have a little yellow on the chest. If the store can tell you what hatchery they came from you could look up what they offer and verify they have those breeds.

I'd say based on size Stella is a Rouen. A Mallard would be smaller than a KC.
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Thanks for the input! Now the gender waiting game...But until then, I will enjoy their cute fluffiness.

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