Cackle Hatchery Question

Yes. It's great, because now I can actually see the differences between them. If I can remember, I'll be more likely to correctly sex chicks! Also, the extras that they sent were 2 different breeds, Welsummers and Black Copper Marans which I had ordered, so that was a bonus too. I'm assuming that the cockerel markings will eventually wear off. I think they may have marked them with a marker. Not a lot, just a little. Incidentally, I hadn't realized that shipped chicks often develop "pasty butt." Last night I noticed that one had something on the vent area. I looked it up online and realized what was going on. I then checked every single chick out of 20, and 7 had the same problem. I spent 3 hours carefully cleaning those affected. Was up until 1:30 am. They all seem fine now. I had read that giving them mashed hard boiled eggs would cure the problem. I'll try that today. Anyway, something to be aware of, as apparently "pasty butt" is deadly.
I bought my original 6 hens from a feed store and I think all of them had pasty butt when they came home. We cleaned them with warm water (this took awhile!) and then blew their little butts dry. It never recurred and we just fed them chick starter crumbles and meal worms as treats.

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