Sick Rooster


Mar 4, 2016
Good Morning,

I am worried about my rooster as he cant stand well. If I bring him food and water he will eat and drink. He seems to be really off balance. His comb and all are the normal beautiful red and no swelling. He is a huge Buff Orphington that is not yet a year old. I keep my coop clean and dry with fresh pine shavings. I let them out every morning and they are always in their yard. He is usually the first to greet me to see if I have treats, He will always eat out of my hand and has never not let me hold him.
Sunny was born with very weird feet the inside "toe" is curved backward and he has let himself sit in the snow all day ( like he was stuck) once. His feet are very white and cold, but they have really always been a little different.

Any ideas? I've read other threads here but Nothing really sounds familiar, but he does sound a little congested when he drinks.

Thank you

Welcome to BYC. :)

I am sorry about your rooster troubles.

Have you noticed any changes in his eyes lately? Changes in the shape of his pupil or eye color? Maybe one eye looks different from the other?

Vitamin deficiencies can also cause lameness, as can injuries, physical deformity, frost bite, and neurological symptoms. Vitamins B12 and E are good at treating leg paralysis. You can get powdered forms for their water.

I hope that helps!

If you find it's not his legs, he could also have ear mites. If you see him doing a bunch of head shaking, that could cause his balance issues!

I have started giving him some vitamin supplement in his water, he is not getting any better. He seems to be rotting from the inside, does this make sense? I have decided to put him down as to not cause sickness to my girls. But I would like to have opinions on what it could be? He has almost lime green poop with weird white stuff in it and his wattle and comb started turning a very dark purple/black. His eyes are look very different and dont focus, I have to move his water around in front of him so he can catch site of it to drink. then his whole head flops in up to his comb to get a drink. I'm worried about my girls.
I am sorry you have to put him down. That's never easy. :(

I would send him in for a necropsy if at all possible. You can get more information on where in your state to send him from your local vet. After you put him down, wrap him in plastic bags, and place him in the FRIDGE (not the freezer) to prepare him for shipping.

My heart goes out to you.


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