My Hen Won't Walk or Stand after Being Stuck


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 22, 2014
One of our hens got stuck between something (probably all day) and couldn't move or eat/drink. Now she won't walk or stand- why would this be? Her legs couldn't have been broken the way she was, and when I turn her upside down, she is able to easily move both her legs. Her wings seem fine as well. Could she just be in shock?
She could be in shock, but she also may not have been able to breathe well, or could have injured her legs or internal organs from being stuck or from thrashing around. Bring he inside to a quiet dim environment. Offer her some water with electrolytes and vitamins (SaveAChick, Pedialyte, Gatorade) and when she is drinking, give her a bit of egg or some moistened feed. Let us know how she is doing tomorrow.
Thanks! I gave her a scrambled egg, and the poor thing was starving! She ate it so fast! I gave her some water with a dropper- I'll need to get some pedialyte.

Ugh, so stressful. I'm so worried about her dying!!

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Still not walking. She can stand, and if I hold her under her stomach, she can sort of walk, but if she tries herself, she just falls forward/over.

I can now see that her left foot is turned in while the right foot is normal (straight forward). I don't know what to do about it! I'm thinking she might not be able to walk again!

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I would give it some time. Look for any bruising or swelling of joints in the leg. Rest may help. I have a hen who was attacked by a neighbor's dog, suffered pretty bad injuries, and she walked crooked for about 6 weeks, but has fully recovered. Time may let her improve. In the meantime I would keep her in a pen inside the coop with her own food and water. Every day, let her out while you are supervising her, to exercise and still be part of the flock.
I forgot to update! So it took a few days, but she slowly started walking again and now seems completely normal! She's even back to laying eggs! Yay!

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I found one of my Black Australorp hens wedged between a 2x4 and the coop wall under the roost today, stiff as a board.
Poor thing. Don't know if she broke her neck, suffocated, or what.


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