Moving my Chicks from the Brooder to the Coop


Mar 14, 2016
Hi everyone! I'm new to the forum and really excited to be here. I've been raising 18 Buff Orpington's from 3 days old to now, 1 month and 2 weeks old. I live in California, and right now we're averaging mid 60's in the day and mid 40's at night. I'll post pictures of my coop and my chickens in their brooder below. Do you guys think it would be okay to move them outside by the end of the week? Tonight, their brooder will be about 60 degrees or so in preparation to move them out. Let me know what you guys think.

For feed I've been feeding them Scratch and Peck started, mixed with a little DE, oats, a little bit of garlic powder, crushed up meal worms, grit, crushed oyster shells, and some sea kelp. They seem to love the mix.

In their water I've been putting in a little bit of apple cider vinegar.

My coop is predator proof because I have the coop attached to large cinder blocks under the soil and chicken wire underneath the soil in the coop.

Also I've closed off the nest boxes until they're ready to lay.

If needed I can put a heat lamp where they roost but I'd prefer not to. Let me know what you guys think. Thank you all so much!!

They look feathered enough to handle your climate. That coop is a bit too small for all of your birds though, they will quickly outgrow it.
My birds are just under 4 weeks and there in the worries. ..I live in southern California and the weather is perfect. ...on really cold nights I just shut the windows and turn on a small heat lamp. ..just because there still young and I live in the mountains . ..they have 90% of there feathers and doing great. .. I have 41 birds and they will huddle a bit ...normal. ...

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