About to expand the duck family but I don't know how the ducks will handle it


Dec 24, 2015
Last year we purchased little ducklings so this batch grew up together well now my ducks are now going to have ducklings I think in about a week or so I currently have 10 female ducks 8 male ducks so far no fighting or anything. I just need to know do I need to do anything special for the duck. She won't let me near her but I have been monitoring the eggs. Any tips are welcomedcurrently they are laying their eggs in the cubicles seen in the picture and they seem to like it the other ducks don't seem to bother them and they stay in their area
I would just make sure the other ducks leave the hen that's sitting alone. If they don't you may want to pen her off. The mother seems to be acting like a good mother so she should be able to take care off them once they hatch but the other ducks may want to attack them. You can see if this happens and if it does you should either take the ducklings away and raise them yourself or separate them with their mother. Or you could take them when they hatch if you don't want to risk them ducklings getting hurt or separate them with their mom when they hatch. They should be fine to join the flock after a week or two. It's all up to you.
K I just wanted to know the mom is pretty protective maybe for a week I will keep mom and chicks separate from the rest for at least a week then. Wish me luck hopefully soon we will have ducklings
Mama duck just had 4 ducklings so far

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