What breed is my roo?


In the Brooder
Mar 2, 2016
What breed is my rooster?. He weighs approximately 5-6 pounds, is 5 years old, and crows loudly. The black patch on the back of his neck is just dirt and Vaseline leftover from recent cold fronts.

My grandmother came back from an agricultural market one day, with a beautiful orchid plant the size of a small tree and little brown paper bag that was chirping... I honestly have no idea where he came from other than he was purchased in a (flee market style) agricultural market.
Looks like a barnyard mix to me.

He may have some Buff Orpington with the way the neck hackles and saddle drape (but the tail is completely wrong for an Orpington).

Could be a factory Gold Sexlink roo...but I think most likely just a backyard mix.


I believe he's a barnyard mix, and mixed enough no specific breed jumps out. He may have some buff Orpington and something with dominant white, but he doesn't look like a simple breed A x breed B cross.
Thank you for all of the responses! I have never been able to say he is XXX breed because he looks different from most pictures I have seen.
Aside from appearance there is good evidence that Randy is at least part red sex link:
-Randy is extremely cold intolerant. In the extremely mild South Florida winters frostbite is a real concern.
-He eats a lot.
-Shows no fear of other animals unless they have almost "gotten him" in the past.
It seems very likely he is either a red sex link or a red sex link hybrid.

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