Free-range meat chickens in fenced city yard?

Lol, I live in white picket fence suburbia. A 6ft wood privacy fence does wonders. A shed for cutting and bleeding will do you wonders (I have an area behind my garage!). Privacy bushes and trees will do wonders. Also I pluck and gut indoors in my kitchen. It's really not a big mess. Trash can in front of the sinks for guts and feathers... Having running water is nice. I have pretty standarded two-sided steel sink. Just wipe down the neighboring counters with a bleach/water mix when you are done. I do it indoors because it's easier. I scald the chickens in my pressure cooker on my gas stove. :p And that way there's not guts laying around to attract predators, or feathers for my dogs to try to eat. XD
Lol, thankfully I have a 6ft privacy fence, so I won't have to offend any neighbors! Although I may kill and pluck outside and gut inside just because I don't have an appropriate table outside and my counter is a much more comfortable height anyway. Haven't completely decided yet...I've got about 6 weeks to solidify my plans :)
You can get a nice white plastic game cleaning table with a little sink at one end which is about counter height, it folds up and stores easy and has a faucet in the sink which comes with a quick coupler for a garden hose. Sells for around 70 bucks online but I got mine in sale for around 45-50 bucks on sale from Menard's building supply store, pretty handy table for butchering chickens, cleaning fish or venison or whatever you have

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