Types of bulb to use in my heat lamp

Why not consider dumping the heat lamp all together, and changing to a safer, more comfortable heating system - the heating pad?

No worries about what wattage bulb to use or how high or low it needs to be adjusted. You simply rig up a wire frame, easily made from field fencing or an old wire appliance rack, and fasten the heating pad to it, and turn it on to the highest setting since your chicks are in their first week.

You can use a heating pad brooding system anywhere, in a conventional brooder indoors or outdoors in coop or run. Each week, you may be turning the setting down a notch as the chicks feather out, and there is never any danger of them overheating, since if you have the pad on a setting that's too warm, the chicks simply recline on top of it.

As long as you're being exposed to novel ways to brood, consider brooding right in your coop. It will be good for your chicks and save you a lot of housework after the little darlings have deposited chick dust and dander on every horizontal surface in the room you have them in.

If you're curious as to how you can brood outdoors, I wrote about all the advantages to the chicks. Click on the second link below this post.

The heating pad sounds like a good idea too, I also liked the Brinsea brooders as well. :)

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