Help with chicken!


In the Brooder
Mar 23, 2016
My chicks are not hatched yet and in an incubator. Only two have started to crack and it is day 20. One of them started sometime yesterday morning and is still at it now with not much improvement. I was wondering if this is normal or if I should help it, if so how? Thank you, I've only done ducks in the past and this never happened. This is the picture of the two that started I am asking about the blue egg.
If it has pipped it is fine some times it can take them up to 24hrs to hatch and their not overdue by a couple of days so I would leave them alone for right now
Thank you guys so much for telling me to not help the chick Bc I just came back inside and she hatched, but how long should o leave her in there???
And when the chick is fluffy enough to take out what if the other chick is not hatched and just cracking is that okay if I take her out? And should I take her egg out to or not even bother
The chicks absorb the yolk right before they hatch so they can live up to three days with nothing else leave her in there till she is dry and fluffed up make sure your humidity doesn't get to high or she won't dry off. Leave the other egg in there to hatch it's alright if the chick is in there while she's hatching it won't bother or make it worse I would leave the eggs in there till there all hatched.
Good luck with the others hatching I have tried once to hatch and it was a disaster I have 26 eggs in an incubator right now and their only on day two so I can't really see anything yet and I have plenty of my own questions but good job and hopefully the other one hatches

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