Getting a duck to sit on eggs


6 Years
Apr 26, 2014
I have a broody duck (rouen) that likes to go broody all the time in inopportune places. Moving her once she set a nest last year several times never worked. She always just abandoned it then. We have this huge old dog crate that we have used to separate injured ducks or if we needed to just separate someone. I am just curious the possibility if we set her up with a nest in that crate and put some eggs in it if she would sit on them in there hatch them for us.
She might, I'm not going to promise anything though. Did you try moving her to a new nest at night? That works a lot with chickens. She won't see what's happening and all she'll know if that she's sitting on eggs and she might brood on them.
We tried at night, during the day, at dusk...even scooped the whole thing up with a giant snow shovel and it didn't work. She is such a booger.
You could try putting a clutch of regular eggs in the dog crate with food and water nearby and put her in there. If she sits you can put hatching eggs under her carefully.

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