Hen or Rooster? Breed?


Mar 23, 2016
Golden, CO
We bought these pullets at a local feed store. We were told they were around a year old. People keep questioning whether the 2 with the large red combs are really roosters and not hens. We haven't had any wake up calls yet nor have we had any eggs yet. I'm almost 99% sure they are hens. Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Please post photos at "what breed or gender is this." Some breeds have hens with large combs so that is not always the deciding factor.
Unfortunately in the last pic the chicken to the right looks like it has saddle feathers and longer looking tail feathers. So I would say that one is rooster. I can't tell with the other one but I don't see saddle feathers or rooster looking feathers. But next time you go out there you should check the saddle and tail feathers yourself and you will probably get a clearer answer then me!
Good Luck!
Hi and welcome to BYC - great to have you join us. Don't worry about no posting in the "right place" - I was very confused when i first joined - people are very helpful, and won't ignore a thread just cos its not in the most appropriate place. I'm sure that DD was suggesting that forum in order for you to get maximum responses to your question, thats all.

Best wishes

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