Raising Day Old Chicks By Broody Hen


Mar 25, 2016
Ramsey, MN

Hello, I am a new member of BackYard Chickens. I have been using this site to gain knowledge for a year. I started my chicken journey last July with 3 Columbian Wyandotte chicks. This year one of my hens went broody, so I decided to take advantage of her broodiness to raise day-old chicks from our local Farm and Garden Center. She had been sitting on ceramic eggs, so one day I brought home the babies, removed the eggs, and placed the babies underneath her. She didn't even flinch. We live in Minnesota, so she and the babies have taken up residence in our basement. She has turned out to be a wonderful mom to these 5 chicks: 2 Ameracaunas, 1 blue Cochin, 1 silver-laced Cochin, and 1 silver-gray Dorking. Last year I raised my chicks under a heat lamp, and it is far more fun to watch my hen (Dot) interact with these cute babies. They have nearly doubled in size in the two weeks since we got them. I am enjoying watching them grow and change with each passing day. They love to jump up on her back but are not thrilled when I reach in to pick them up. I've got the chicken fever...
They are more active and lively when hen raised, although they end up being less friendly sometimes so it's good you are handling them. It is a very addictive hobby. You chicks are adorable, and welcome to backyard chickens.

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