Hen not laying


In the Brooder
Mar 13, 2016
A little background on Alberta, she was locked in a coffin style box in a dark shed from I week old to around 24 weeks old. We found out about her and asked if we could rescue her. The first night before our fence was as predator proof as it is now (we're new to chickens) a dog got in through the fence and tore through the mesh and attacked her. She had no real injuries but was very traumatized. She's now foraging on 1/4 acre and seemingly very healthy. The rescue and dog attack was 3 weeks ago. She's now around 27 weeks old and not laying eggs. Could it be all the trauma and change? Is there anything I can do for her in the meantime?


She looks like she could be getting close, by the next month she should start. She has had a rough go at it so far, glad you were able to help her out. Some don't start laying until a bit older depending on breed. Yours looks to be a mix, with potentially some gold laced Wyandotte in it, which can sometimes take up to 7 months to start, but I think you will see one within the month.
I agree with oldhen - she is about a month away from laying - indicated by the small size and pale color of her comb.
Thank you both so much! I'm so new to it all and there's so much to learn!
I just wanted to make sure I wasn't messing something up and making her too stressed or something.
 She is definitely getting close to egglaying age, but not there yet.  I am not convinced she is 27 weeks old.  

I know very little about her. They told me they had her for six months and got her when she was one week old. They were not taking care of her so I wouldn't take their word on age either.
Like I said, I'm into pet chickens so I'm not worried that she isn't laying but I wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong making her too stressed to lay.
Thank you for your response!

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