Scalped chicken, still alive


7 Years
Jul 7, 2015
SE Wisconsin
2 month old pullet, Buff Orpington. not sure exactly how this happened, but thinking the ramp to the nesting box fell, and got her just at the right angle.

I brought her in the house, she is drinking and otherwise seems normal. Eyes are blinking and moving around. I have an animal antibiotic spray I've put on her a few times.

Do I leave the wound open and continue spray? Make a gauze head-bandage? Ideas?

Generally leave wounds open to allow drainage and air circulation unless there is a compelling reason to keep dirt or insects away. Having her in the house should allow the space and cleanliness necessary. Spraying with the antiseptic spray is good as long as it doesn't contain hydrogen peroxide which can slow healing.

There are some good wound ointments you can get at the feed store. I've not personally dealt with this kind of injury so will step aside to those who have a personal recommendation as to which is best.

I personally think this looks more like a predator a hawk or even raccoon. You may want to keep a watch as they will come back and try again.

Good luck with her...poor thing.

They're secure in a barn where a hawk or Racoon couldn't get. She is part of a group of younger pullets I just put outside yesterday. My older laying hens were just fine with them. I figured if it was a pecking issue, she would have more severe stab like wounds. The younger 4, her included, were hiding underneath the nesting box this morning . Hard to explain without pictures but basically I think the ramp slipped, the only thing I can think of.

Anyway I rinsed it with a wash cloth, dripping warm water. To get some of the guck and blood off. Also used iodine with a little bit of water. Along with the spray. She's now inside the laundry room in a clean quiet spot. I'll keep her in for a few days to see how she responds
This is the spray I have
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Other chickens can do this as well. I have had polish chickens scalped just like that. Unless she has suffered a brain injury, she should heal fine within a few weeks. The Vetericyn is very good. I would place her in a crate tomorrow in her coop or run area where she can remain part of the flock. Spend some time watching them together to make sure there is not one who is a bully. Later on BluKote from the feed store or gentian violet (available in the first aid aisle) would be good to apply to her head to mask the red skin and new feathers as they grow in. The others including the chicks will pull out every new feather that comes in if you don't. Don't ask me how I know that, LOL. Hopefully she will heal well and look completely normal by summer.
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This was one of the first injuries my flock had. Keep her by herself, obviously, and give her food and water. I put my hen in a cage on the deck during the summer and she healed up nice. Just make sure no bugs get her. I didn't use ointment or anything and she healed herself without being wrapped in gauze. If you're concerned about the bleeding you can gently dab a damp cloth on her head.

Good luck!
I had a blue laced red wyandotte pullet in with some buff orpington pullets, same age, they decided that she was different and that she had to go. I caught them in the act, and she looked just like that. Healed up fine with just isolation and a couple applications of "purple spray". Can't even tell it happened.They decide they don't like somebody and they grab them by the back of the head and then kick them, pulling feathers loose. After they see blood it is a free for all.
Thank you for all the great feedback!

I have her in a large horse trough with my month-old chicks. Separated by a screen. They are in a nice warm mud room attached to the house. I can keep her in there for a while until I know she's going to heal ok.
I was able to separate the other three young pullets from the laying hens in the barn so they're nice and safe until they get larger. Then I'll try to integrate again. I had no idea my older laying hens Could make an injury like that. I'm assuming when the younger ones attempted to get food that's when All H broke loose.
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Keeping her safe is really good, but she needs to be back with her other 2 month olds to continue their relationship as a flock. A cage or dog crate being where they are is best. Having multi-aged groups, it is important for her to be with her buddies. They will always tend to hang together throughout their lives.
Bag Balm is good. Spread on once a day, unless you feel you should do it more often. If flies are a problem, there is a horse wound cream called Swat. Keeps bugs off as well as helping to heal. Anyway, a good wound ointment is the way to go with this type of wound. Chickens do this when they get into a "peck" fight.
Keeping her safe is really good, but she needs to be back with her other 2 month olds to continue their relationship as a flock. A cage or dog crate being where they are is best. Having multi-aged groups, it is important for her to be with her buddies. They will always tend to hang together throughout their lives.

When Ms Baldy, as she is now called, and her crew were a month old, I got 6 more chicks who then spent a month w the older group (inside my mud room in a large horse trough.)
I put her back w the younger group who are now 1 month old pullets- and they seem to think she is mom.

Since both pullet groups already know each other, I plan on putting her and the younger ones back w her original group this weekend- who are nicely secured away from my evil laying hens.

Bag Balm is good. Spread on once a day, unless you feel you should do it more often. If flies are a problem, there is a horse wound cream called Swat. Keeps bugs off as well as helping to heal. Anyway, a good wound ointment is the way to go with this type of wound. Chickens do this when they get into a "peck" fight.
great idea! I have been spraying the Vetericyn each day. She seems to be doing great.

Good thing I read that green meant bruising. That kinda freaked me out at first, but its already gone away.

She is eating and drinking just fine.

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